Thursday, July 8, 2010

I do and don't agree with digital downloads....

Let's be honest here. Sometimes the best part of buying a game is the experience of buying it. Sometimes it is waiting in line for hours on end just to pick up a game you pre-ordered months ago and have been anxiously awaiting. Sometimes the game you want isn't really hard to find but you still make special plans to run out early and grab it before work knowing you can't play it for another 8-10 hours. What's not very exciting is sitting down and skimming the PSN or Xbox live or even Wii store trying to figure out what to download. Or even if you have read a great review about a game you still will usually be faced (XBL) with trying to figure out just how much hard earned money the damn points system translates into. Or you have 300 points but need 800 so you have to purchase a minimum of 1000 points. Which leaves you with yet again unused points.
What about 10-15 years from now. If you are here reading my blog you obviously are a retro gamer at heart. Or maybe even just a collector. When my PS3 dies in 15 years what happens to my downloaded game or content that I decide I want to play again some day? If my HDD crashes in my console or something I can't just hop on eBay and buy another copy anymore. The original service the game was purchased from either no longer exists or no longer supports that platform. And that means true gems like Flower on PSN wouldn't be experienced by future gamers that missed out the first time.......

1 comment:

rogerjowett said...

especially not acorn soft planetoid or their galaxian ripoff or the scramble pacman space invaders etc etc